Our Mission
To reach out to those who hunger for the Word of God as well as for nourishment for their physical body. Those who thirst after righteousness or those with parched lips.
Those who are strangers being without knowledge of the Word as well as those who are homeless. Those who are naked of the truth and those in need of clothing for their bodies. Those who are spiritually hurting and or sick as well as those who are physically ill. Those who are in spiritual bondage and those who are physically locked behind walls.
Our mission is to go into organizations, group homes, hospitals, etc., where we are led by the Holy Spirit to minister. To become a refuge and safe haven for the less fortunate and to provide spiritual guidance as well as physical guidance. It is our mission to have the capabilities to house, shelter, and clothe those who are in need, and to provide help to families in need.
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
– Matthew 25:35-36 & 40

Choir Ministries:
- TC Singers
- (Adults)
- NUGeneration
- (Youth ages 10-17)
- TC Tots
- (to age 10)
Outreach Ministries:
Day and hour varies as we are led by the Holy Spirit. We will go where needed to minister to those who are lost, who may be homeless, sick, and in bondage.
* Food Bank
* Homeless
* Hospital Visitation
* Nursing Home
* Prison Outreach
Youth Outreach Ministry:
This ministry provides our youth an opportunity to be involved in peer ministering and Christian community activities.
Courtesy Outreach Ministry:
This ministry provides information to all guests and members of any and all church services, activities, and fellowship.
Finance Ministry:
This ministry is appointed by the Pastor and is charged with the care of church finances.
Nurse Ministry:
This ministry is responsible for the care of the church during all worship services.
Pastoral Care Ministry:
The purpose of this ministry is to care for the pastor’s pulpit and spiritual needs.
Ministerial Care Ministry:
The purpose of this ministry is to assist the associate ministers and guest ministers in their pulpit and spiritual needs.
Praise Ministry:
The purpose of this ministry is to lead the church body in praises. However, it is everyone’s obligation to praise and worship Jehovah.
Program Ministry:
This ministry is responsible for the printing, assembling and production of all church literature.